About Me

There isn't much to know. I'm trying to be more like Audrey Hepburn and less like Lucille Ball. And honestly, I'm not trying that hard.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Nationality of Sea Food

I'm not sure this is normal but sometimes I imagine what the food I'm eating sounded like when it was alive and could talk.  Not that I'm eating food that could talk, that would make me a cannibal.

But when I'm eating say, a cheeseburger, I imagine that is was once a talking cow and I imagine how it sounded before it was slaughtered for my enjoyment.  Cows are British.  They speak with snooty British accents.  Probably why they go so well with sharp cheeses and rich sauces.

I'm working on a nationality for tofu (and what it would look like as an animal (which I suppose defeats the entire purpose of tofu).  I'm pretty convinced it's deformed, whatever it looks like).

Shrimp are French. All crustaceans are actually.  And they are really pissed off about the whole boiling thing.

But I'm perplexed regarding the nationality of all other seafood.  When I eat a nice piece of salmon or a tuna steak, I can't imagine it's voice.  This should probably lead to a dramatic rise in the amount of fish I eat since it's pretty creepy to imagine your food talking to you but I'm just sort of annoyed that my creative side can't find a voice for finned foods.  Perhaps its because they have such freedom of movement swimming around like they do.  They are creatures of the world and are therefore without a homeland.  Wait, I think I've got it.  What do eskimos sound like?  I'm pretty sure that's what fish sound like.

Except catfish, which of course sound like James Carville.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think tofu is something deformed.
